Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Dude, where have you gone?

This summer... Oh my goodness, this summer.
I have been so blessed in these last two months that it's still hard to grasp...

I'll start with Discipleship Week though.

So, D-Week is pretty much this retreat that lasts for four days where you find yourself more in your faith, but it's so much more as well.

It changed my life.

See, I had always known God in my household. Raised on the stories, and could state the Ten Commandments in order. I'm a 'Cradle Catholic' as some people would say, but I never really let God into my heart and accept Him until around October of 2011. Before then, my life was a mess.

A mess full of bullying and self-image issues. Such a mess that, at times, I'd find myself thinking "Okay, if You're really there, why am I being treated this way? Why do I feel this way about myself?"

I was a very sad and lonely child, with one real friend who, amazingly, is still in my life today, and I love him very dearly.
He has no idea the impact his presence has had on my life.

Any ways, I am where I am today and I sorta know why certain things happened in my life.
It's so I can talk about these things and inspire people that God is there even when you don't feel Him. His will is at work.

D-Week was a time to figure out my life and the direction God wants to take it. It was a time where I truly allowed God to take over my life, to have His way with me, whether I like it or not. It was a time where I accepted His love.
D-Week also opened my eyes to a lot of things going on in my life. I spent that whole week praying for my friend mentioned earlier to be touched and have his faith reignited. Not only that, but to allow God to have His way with us. I prayed for strength to abolish  the human desire to want more. I prayed for the satisfaction of us just being friends if that was His will...

But that us being more then that wouldn't hurt either...

I remember when the guys decided to honor us by escorting us to dinner and serving us food. My friend was my escort, and I can't help but think he was looking for me the entire time.
Then the very last day, the guys gave the girls flowers. I wasn't expecting one from my friend (I knew he had others to give flowers to) but, as I'm talking to one of my friends, her face lightens up and I turn around.

There's that red-headed boy with the same blue eyes I would stare at in the second grade, purple flower in hand. There's that side smile as he tells me "Thank you for being the beautiful daughter of God that you are."

I had never felt more like a daughter, a princess of God in my life then I had in those four days

Four days of praising God, daily Mass, Adoration, Confession, plus Women's group is pretty draining and can leave you with a lot of emotions, but an amazing spiritual high.

And I think I'm still a little woozy.

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